LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - ext/http - php_http_response_codes.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PHP Code Coverage Lines: 57 57 100.0 %
Date: 2015-02-17 20:30:22 Functions: 0 0 -
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       3             :     | PECL :: http                                                       |
       4             :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       5             :     | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
       6             :     | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
       7             :     | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
       8             :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       9             :     | Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Michael Wallner <>            |
      10             :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      11             : */
      12             : 
      13             : #ifndef PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE
      14             : #       define PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(code, status)
      15             : #endif
      16             : 
      17           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(100, "Continue")
      18           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(101, "Switching Protocols")
      19           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(102, "Processing")
      20          45 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(200, "OK")
      21           4 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(201, "Created")
      22           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(202, "Accepted")
      23           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(203, "Non-Authoritative Information")
      24           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(204, "No Content")
      25           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(205, "Reset Content")
      26           4 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(206, "Partial Content")
      27           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(207, "Multi-Status")
      28           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(208, "Already Reported")
      29           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(226, "IM Used")
      30           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(300, "Multiple Choices")
      31           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(301, "Moved Permanently")
      32           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(302, "Found")
      33           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(303, "See Other")
      34           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(304, "Not Modified")
      35           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(305, "Use Proxy")
      36           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(307, "Temporary Redirect")
      37           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(308, "Permanent Redirect")
      38           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(400, "Bad Request")
      39           3 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(401, "Unauthorized")
      40           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(402, "Payment Required")
      41           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(403, "Forbidden")
      42           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(404, "Not Found")
      43           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(405, "Method Not Allowed")
      44           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(406, "Not Acceptable")
      45           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(407, "Proxy Authentication Required")
      46           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(408, "Request Timeout")
      47           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(409, "Conflict")
      48           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(410, "Gone")
      49           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(411, "Length Required")
      50           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(412, "Precondition Failed")
      51           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(413, "Request Entity Too Large")
      52           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(414, "Request URI Too Long")
      53           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(415, "Unsupported Media Type")
      54           3 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(416, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable")
      55           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(417, "Expectation Failed")
      56           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(422, "Unprocessible Entity")
      57           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(423, "Locked")
      58           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(424, "Failed Dependency")
      59           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(426, "Upgrade Required")
      60           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(428, "Precondition Required")
      61           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(429, "Too Many Requests")
      62           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large")
      63           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(500, "Internal Server Error")
      64           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(501, "Not Implemented")
      65           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(502, "Bad Gateway")
      66           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(503, "Service Unavailable")
      67           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(504, "Gateway Timeout")
      68           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported")
      69           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(506, "Variant Also Negotiates")
      70           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(507, "Insufficient Storage")
      71           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(508, "Loop Detected")
      72           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(510, "Not Extended")
      73           2 : PHP_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE(511, "Network Authentication Required")
      74             : 
      75             : 
      76             : /*
      77             :  * Local variables:
      78             :  * tab-width: 4
      79             :  * c-basic-offset: 4
      80             :  * End:
      81             :  * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
      82             :  * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
      83             :  */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.11