LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - Zend - zend_hash.h
Test: PHP Code Coverage
Date: 2007-04-10 Instrumented lines: 35
Code covered: 82.9 % Executed lines: 29
Legend: not executed executed

       1                 : /*
       2                 :    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
       3                 :    | Zend Engine                                                          |
       4                 :    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
       5                 :    | Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies Ltd. ( |
       6                 :    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
       7                 :    | This source file is subject to version 2.00 of the Zend license,     |
       8                 :    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        | 
       9                 :    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
      10                 :    |                                |
      11                 :    | If you did not receive a copy of the Zend license and are unable to  |
      12                 :    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
      13                 :    | so we can mail you a copy immediately.              |
      14                 :    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      15                 :    | Authors: Andi Gutmans <>                                |
      16                 :    |          Zeev Suraski <>                                |
      17                 :    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
      18                 : */
      19                 : 
      20                 : /* $Id: zend_hash.h,v 2007/01/10 15:58:07 dmitry Exp $ */
      21                 : 
      22                 : #ifndef ZEND_HASH_H
      23                 : #define ZEND_HASH_H
      24                 : 
      25                 : #include <sys/types.h>
      26                 : #include "zend.h"
      27                 : 
      28                 : #define HASH_KEY_IS_STRING 1
      29                 : #define HASH_KEY_IS_LONG 2
      30                 : #define HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT 3
      31                 : 
      32                 : #define HASH_UPDATE             (1<<0)
      33                 : #define HASH_ADD                        (1<<1)
      34                 : #define HASH_NEXT_INSERT        (1<<2)
      35                 : 
      36                 : #define HASH_DEL_KEY 0
      37                 : #define HASH_DEL_INDEX 1
      38                 : 
      39                 : typedef ulong (*hash_func_t)(char *arKey, uint nKeyLength);
      40                 : typedef int  (*compare_func_t)(const void *, const void * TSRMLS_DC);
      41                 : typedef void (*sort_func_t)(void *, size_t, register size_t, compare_func_t TSRMLS_DC);
      42                 : typedef void (*dtor_func_t)(void *pDest);
      43                 : typedef void (*copy_ctor_func_t)(void *pElement);
      44                 : typedef void (*copy_ctor_param_func_t)(void *pElement, void *pParam);
      45                 : 
      46                 : struct _hashtable;
      47                 : 
      48                 : typedef struct bucket {
      49                 :         ulong h;                                                /* Used for numeric indexing */
      50                 :         uint nKeyLength;
      51                 :         void *pData;
      52                 :         void *pDataPtr;
      53                 :         struct bucket *pListNext;
      54                 :         struct bucket *pListLast;
      55                 :         struct bucket *pNext;
      56                 :         struct bucket *pLast;
      57                 :         char arKey[1]; /* Must be last element */
      58                 : } Bucket;
      59                 : 
      60                 : typedef struct _hashtable {
      61                 :         uint nTableSize;
      62                 :         uint nTableMask;
      63                 :         uint nNumOfElements;
      64                 :         ulong nNextFreeElement;
      65                 :         Bucket *pInternalPointer;       /* Used for element traversal */
      66                 :         Bucket *pListHead;
      67                 :         Bucket *pListTail;
      68                 :         Bucket **arBuckets;
      69                 :         dtor_func_t pDestructor;
      70                 :         zend_bool persistent;
      71                 :         unsigned char nApplyCount;
      72                 :         zend_bool bApplyProtection;
      73                 : #if ZEND_DEBUG
      74                 :         int inconsistent;
      75                 : #endif
      76                 : } HashTable;
      77                 : 
      78                 : 
      79                 : typedef struct _zend_hash_key {
      80                 :         char *arKey;
      81                 :         uint nKeyLength;
      82                 :         ulong h;
      83                 : } zend_hash_key;
      84                 : 
      85                 : 
      86                 : typedef zend_bool (*merge_checker_func_t)(HashTable *target_ht, void *source_data, zend_hash_key *hash_key, void *pParam);
      87                 : 
      88                 : typedef Bucket* HashPosition;
      89                 : 
      90                 : BEGIN_EXTERN_C()
      91                 : 
      92                 : /* startup/shutdown */
      93                 : ZEND_API int _zend_hash_init(HashTable *ht, uint nSize, hash_func_t pHashFunction, dtor_func_t pDestructor, zend_bool persistent ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
      94                 : ZEND_API int _zend_hash_init_ex(HashTable *ht, uint nSize, hash_func_t pHashFunction, dtor_func_t pDestructor, zend_bool persistent, zend_bool bApplyProtection ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
      95                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_destroy(HashTable *ht);
      96                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_clean(HashTable *ht);
      97                 : #define zend_hash_init(ht, nSize, pHashFunction, pDestructor, persistent)                                               _zend_hash_init((ht), (nSize), (pHashFunction), (pDestructor), (persistent) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
      98                 : #define zend_hash_init_ex(ht, nSize, pHashFunction, pDestructor, persistent, bApplyProtection)          _zend_hash_init_ex((ht), (nSize), (pHashFunction), (pDestructor), (persistent), (bApplyProtection) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
      99                 : 
     100                 : /* additions/updates/changes */
     101                 : ZEND_API int _zend_hash_add_or_update(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest, int flag ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
     102                 : #define zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     103                 :                 _zend_hash_add_or_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_UPDATE ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     104                 : #define zend_hash_add(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     105                 :                 _zend_hash_add_or_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_ADD ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     106                 : 
     107                 : ZEND_API int _zend_hash_quick_add_or_update(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest, int flag ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
     108                 : #define zend_hash_quick_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     109                 :                 _zend_hash_quick_add_or_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_UPDATE ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     110                 : #define zend_hash_quick_add(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     111                 :                 _zend_hash_quick_add_or_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_ADD ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     112                 : 
     113                 : ZEND_API int _zend_hash_index_update_or_next_insert(HashTable *ht, ulong h, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest, int flag ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
     114                 : #define zend_hash_index_update(ht, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     115                 :                 _zend_hash_index_update_or_next_insert(ht, h, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_UPDATE ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     116                 : #define zend_hash_next_index_insert(ht, pData, nDataSize, pDest) \
     117                 :                 _zend_hash_index_update_or_next_insert(ht, 0, pData, nDataSize, pDest, HASH_NEXT_INSERT ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     118                 : 
     119                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_add_empty_element(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength);
     120                 : 
     121                 : 
     122                 : #define ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP                            0
     123                 : #define ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE                          1<<0
     124                 : #define ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP                            1<<1
     125                 : 
     126                 : 
     127                 : typedef int (*apply_func_t)(void *pDest TSRMLS_DC);
     128                 : typedef int (*apply_func_arg_t)(void *pDest, void *argument TSRMLS_DC);
     129                 : typedef int (*apply_func_args_t)(void *pDest, int num_args, va_list args, zend_hash_key *hash_key);
     130                 : 
     131                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_graceful_destroy(HashTable *ht);
     132                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_graceful_reverse_destroy(HashTable *ht);
     133                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_apply(HashTable *ht, apply_func_t apply_func TSRMLS_DC);
     134                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_apply_with_argument(HashTable *ht, apply_func_arg_t apply_func, void * TSRMLS_DC);
     135                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(HashTable *ht, apply_func_args_t apply_func, int, ...);
     136                 : 
     137                 : /* This function should be used with special care (in other words,
     138                 :  * it should usually not be used).  When used with the ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP
     139                 :  * return value, it assumes things about the order of the elements in the hash.
     140                 :  * Also, it does not provide the same kind of reentrancy protection that
     141                 :  * the standard apply functions do.
     142                 :  */
     143                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_reverse_apply(HashTable *ht, apply_func_t apply_func TSRMLS_DC);
     144                 : 
     145                 : 
     146                 : /* Deletes */
     147                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_del_key_or_index(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h, int flag);
     148                 : #define zend_hash_del(ht, arKey, nKeyLength) \
     149                 :                 zend_hash_del_key_or_index(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, 0, HASH_DEL_KEY)
     150                 : #define zend_hash_index_del(ht, h) \
     151                 :                 zend_hash_del_key_or_index(ht, NULL, 0, h, HASH_DEL_INDEX)
     152                 : 
     153                 : ZEND_API ulong zend_get_hash_value(char *arKey, uint nKeyLength);
     154                 : 
     155                 : /* Data retreival */
     156                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_find(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void **pData);
     157                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_quick_find(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h, void **pData);
     158                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_index_find(HashTable *ht, ulong h, void **pData);
     159                 : 
     160                 : /* Misc */
     161                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_exists(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength);
     162                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_quick_exists(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, ulong h);
     163                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_index_exists(HashTable *ht, ulong h);
     164                 : ZEND_API ulong zend_hash_next_free_element(HashTable *ht);
     165                 : 
     166                 : 
     167                 : /* traversing */
     168                 : #define zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht, pos) \
     169                 :         (zend_hash_get_current_key_type_ex(ht, pos) == HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT ? FAILURE : SUCCESS)
     170                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_move_forward_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos);
     171                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_move_backwards_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos);
     172                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(HashTable *ht, char **str_index, uint *str_length, ulong *num_index, zend_bool duplicate, HashPosition *pos);
     173                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_get_current_key_type_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos);
     174                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(HashTable *ht, void **pData, HashPosition *pos);
     175                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos);
     176                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_internal_pointer_end_ex(HashTable *ht, HashPosition *pos);
     177                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_update_current_key_ex(HashTable *ht, int key_type, char *str_index, uint str_length, ulong num_index, HashPosition *pos);
     178                 : 
     179                 : typedef struct _HashPointer {
     180                 :         HashPosition pos;
     181                 :         ulong h;
     182                 : } HashPointer;
     183                 : 
     184                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_get_pointer(HashTable *ht, HashPointer *ptr);
     185                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_set_pointer(HashTable *ht, const HashPointer *ptr);
     186                 : 
     187                 : #define zend_hash_has_more_elements(ht) \
     188                 :         zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht, NULL)
     189                 : #define zend_hash_move_forward(ht) \
     190                 :         zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht, NULL)
     191                 : #define zend_hash_move_backwards(ht) \
     192                 :         zend_hash_move_backwards_ex(ht, NULL)
     193                 : #define zend_hash_get_current_key(ht, str_index, num_index, duplicate) \
     194                 :         zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(ht, str_index, NULL, num_index, duplicate, NULL)
     195                 : #define zend_hash_get_current_key_type(ht) \
     196                 :         zend_hash_get_current_key_type_ex(ht, NULL)
     197                 : #define zend_hash_get_current_data(ht, pData) \
     198                 :         zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, pData, NULL)
     199                 : #define zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(ht) \
     200                 :         zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ht, NULL)
     201                 : #define zend_hash_internal_pointer_end(ht) \
     202                 :         zend_hash_internal_pointer_end_ex(ht, NULL)
     203                 : #define zend_hash_update_current_key(ht, key_type, str_index, str_length, num_index) \
     204                 :         zend_hash_update_current_key_ex(ht, key_type, str_index, str_length, num_index, NULL)
     205                 : 
     206                 : /* Copying, merging and sorting */
     207                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_copy(HashTable *target, HashTable *source, copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor, void *tmp, uint size);
     208                 : ZEND_API void _zend_hash_merge(HashTable *target, HashTable *source, copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor, void *tmp, uint size, int overwrite ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC);
     209                 : ZEND_API void zend_hash_merge_ex(HashTable *target, HashTable *source, copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor, uint size, merge_checker_func_t pMergeSource, void *pParam);
     210                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_sort(HashTable *ht, sort_func_t sort_func, compare_func_t compare_func, int renumber TSRMLS_DC);
     211                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_compare(HashTable *ht1, HashTable *ht2, compare_func_t compar, zend_bool ordered TSRMLS_DC);
     212                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_minmax(HashTable *ht, compare_func_t compar, int flag, void **pData TSRMLS_DC);
     213                 : 
     214                 : #define zend_hash_merge(target, source, pCopyConstructor, tmp, size, overwrite)                                 \
     215                 :         _zend_hash_merge(target, source, pCopyConstructor, tmp, size, overwrite ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC)
     216                 : 
     217                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_num_elements(HashTable *ht);
     218                 : 
     219                 : ZEND_API int zend_hash_rehash(HashTable *ht);
     220                 : 
     221                 : /*
     222                 :  * DJBX33A (Daniel J. Bernstein, Times 33 with Addition)
     223                 :  *
     224                 :  * This is Daniel J. Bernstein's popular `times 33' hash function as
     225                 :  * posted by him years ago on comp.lang.c. It basically uses a function
     226                 :  * like ``hash(i) = hash(i-1) * 33 + str[i]''. This is one of the best
     227                 :  * known hash functions for strings. Because it is both computed very
     228                 :  * fast and distributes very well.
     229                 :  *
     230                 :  * The magic of number 33, i.e. why it works better than many other
     231                 :  * constants, prime or not, has never been adequately explained by
     232                 :  * anyone. So I try an explanation: if one experimentally tests all
     233                 :  * multipliers between 1 and 256 (as RSE did now) one detects that even
     234                 :  * numbers are not useable at all. The remaining 128 odd numbers
     235                 :  * (except for the number 1) work more or less all equally well. They
     236                 :  * all distribute in an acceptable way and this way fill a hash table
     237                 :  * with an average percent of approx. 86%. 
     238                 :  *
     239                 :  * If one compares the Chi^2 values of the variants, the number 33 not
     240                 :  * even has the best value. But the number 33 and a few other equally
     241                 :  * good numbers like 17, 31, 63, 127 and 129 have nevertheless a great
     242                 :  * advantage to the remaining numbers in the large set of possible
     243                 :  * multipliers: their multiply operation can be replaced by a faster
     244                 :  * operation based on just one shift plus either a single addition
     245                 :  * or subtraction operation. And because a hash function has to both
     246                 :  * distribute good _and_ has to be very fast to compute, those few
     247                 :  * numbers should be preferred and seems to be the reason why Daniel J.
     248                 :  * Bernstein also preferred it.
     249                 :  *
     250                 :  *
     251                 :  *                  -- Ralf S. Engelschall <>
     252                 :  */
     253                 : 
     254                 : static inline ulong zend_inline_hash_func(char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)
     255          978110 : {
     256          978110 :         register ulong hash = 5381;
     257                 : 
     258                 :         /* variant with the hash unrolled eight times */
     259         2155311 :         for (; nKeyLength >= 8; nKeyLength -= 8) {
     260         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     261         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     262         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     263         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     264         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     265         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     266         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     267         1177201 :                 hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++;
     268                 :         }
     269          978110 :         switch (nKeyLength) {
     270          124929 :                 case 7: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     271          247842 :                 case 6: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     272          381603 :                 case 5: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     273          507310 :                 case 4: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     274          618917 :                 case 3: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     275          736401 :                 case 2: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; /* fallthrough... */
     276          850884 :                 case 1: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *arKey++; break;
     277                 :                 case 0: break;
     278                 : EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE()
     279                 :         }
     280          978110 :         return hash;
     281                 : }
     282                 : 
     283                 : 
     284                 : ZEND_API ulong zend_hash_func(char *arKey, uint nKeyLength);
     285                 : 
     286                 : #if ZEND_DEBUG
     287                 : /* debug */
     288                 : void zend_hash_display_pListTail(HashTable *ht);
     289                 : void zend_hash_display(HashTable *ht);
     290                 : #endif
     291                 : 
     292                 : END_EXTERN_C()
     293                 : 
     294                 : #define ZEND_INIT_SYMTABLE(ht)                                                          \
     295                 :         ZEND_INIT_SYMTABLE_EX(ht, 2, 0)
     296                 : 
     297                 : #define ZEND_INIT_SYMTABLE_EX(ht, n, persistent)                        \
     298                 :         zend_hash_init(ht, n, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, persistent)
     299                 : 
     300                 : 
     301                 : #define HANDLE_NUMERIC(key, length, func) {                                                                                             \
     302                 :         register char *tmp=key;                                                                                                                         \
     303                 :                                                                                                                                                                                 \
     304                 :         if (*tmp=='-') {                                                                                                                                        \
     305                 :                 tmp++;                                                                                                                                                  \
     306                 :         }                                                                                                                                                                       \
     307                 :         if ((*tmp>='0' && *tmp<='9')) do { /* possibly a numeric index */                                 \
     308                 :                 char *end=key+length-1;                                                                                                                 \
     309                 :                 long idx;                                                                                                                                               \
     310                 :                                                                                                                                                                                 \
     311                 :                 if (*tmp++=='0' && length>2) { /* don't accept numbers with leading zeros */ \
     312                 :                         break;                                                                                                                                          \
     313                 :                 }                                                                                                                                                               \
     314                 :                 while (tmp<end) {                                                                                                                            \
     315                 :                         if (!(*tmp>='0' && *tmp<='9')) {                                                                                  \
     316                 :                                 break;                                                                                                                                  \
     317                 :                         }                                                                                                                                                       \
     318                 :                         tmp++;                                                                                                                                          \
     319                 :                 }                                                                                                                                                               \
     320                 :                 if (tmp==end && *tmp=='\0') { /* a numeric index */                                                             \
     321                 :                         if (*key=='-') {                                                                                                                        \
     322                 :                                 idx = strtol(key, NULL, 10);                                                                                    \
     323                 :                                 if (idx!=LONG_MIN) {                                                                                                    \
     324                 :                                         return func;                                                                                                            \
     325                 :                                 }                                                                                                                                               \
     326                 :                         } else {                                                                                                                                        \
     327                 :                                 idx = strtol(key, NULL, 10);                                                                                    \
     328                 :                                 if (idx!=LONG_MAX) {                                                                                                    \
     329                 :                                         return func;                                                                                                            \
     330                 :                                 }                                                                                                                                               \
     331                 :                         }                                                                                                                                                       \
     332                 :                 }                                                                                                                                                               \
     333                 :         } while (0);                                                                                                                                            \
     334                 : }
     335                 : 
     336                 : 
     337           30012 : static inline int zend_symtable_update(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void *pData, uint nDataSize, void **pDest)                                  \
     338                 : {
     339           30012 :         HANDLE_NUMERIC(arKey, nKeyLength, zend_hash_index_update(ht, idx, pData, nDataSize, pDest));
     340           30004 :         return zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData, nDataSize, pDest);
     341                 : }
     342                 : 
     343                 : 
     344                 : static inline int zend_symtable_del(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)
     345               0 : {
     346               0 :         HANDLE_NUMERIC(arKey, nKeyLength, zend_hash_index_del(ht, idx))
     347               0 :         return zend_hash_del(ht, arKey, nKeyLength);
     348                 : }
     349                 : 
     350                 : 
     351                 : static inline int zend_symtable_find(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength, void **pData)
     352           13278 : {
     353           13278 :         HANDLE_NUMERIC(arKey, nKeyLength, zend_hash_index_find(ht, idx, pData));
     354           13277 :         return zend_hash_find(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, pData);
     355                 : }
     356                 : 
     357                 : 
     358                 : static inline int zend_symtable_exists(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)
     359             758 : {
     360             758 :         HANDLE_NUMERIC(arKey, nKeyLength, zend_hash_index_exists(ht, idx));
     361             758 :         return zend_hash_exists(ht, arKey, nKeyLength);
     362                 : }
     363                 : 
     364                 : static inline int zend_symtable_update_current_key(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)
     365               0 : {
     366               0 :         HANDLE_NUMERIC(arKey, nKeyLength, zend_hash_update_current_key(ht, HASH_KEY_IS_LONG, NULL, 0, idx));
     367               0 :         return zend_hash_update_current_key(ht, HASH_KEY_IS_STRING, arKey, nKeyLength, 0);
     368                 : }
     369                 : 
     370                 : #endif                                                  /* ZEND_HASH_H */
     371                 : 
     372                 : /*
     373                 :  * Local variables:
     374                 :  * tab-width: 4
     375                 :  * c-basic-offset: 4
     376                 :  * indent-tabs-mode: t
     377                 :  * End:
     378                 :  */

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.5