LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - ext/http - http_querystring_object.c
Test: PHP Code Coverage
Date: 2007-04-10 Instrumented lines: 215
Code covered: 67.0 % Executed lines: 144
Legend: not executed executed

       1                 : /*
       2                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       3                 :     | PECL :: http                                                       |
       4                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       5                 :     | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
       6                 :     | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
       7                 :     | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
       8                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       9                 :     | Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Michael Wallner <>            |
      10                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      11                 : */
      12                 : 
      13                 : /* $Id: http_querystring_object.c,v 1.37 2007/02/22 11:04:37 mike Exp $ */
      14                 : 
      15                 : #define HTTP_WANT_SAPI
      16                 : #include "php_http.h"
      17                 : 
      18                 : #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
      19                 : 
      20                 : #include "php_variables.h"
      21                 : #include "zend_interfaces.h"
      22                 : 
      23                 : #include "php_http_api.h"
      24                 : #include "php_http_querystring_api.h"
      25                 : #include "php_http_querystring_object.h"
      26                 : #include "php_http_exception_object.h"
      27                 : 
      28                 : #define HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(method, req_args)                       HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS_EX(HttpQueryString, method, 0, req_args)
      29                 : #define HTTP_EMPTY_ARGS(method)                                         HTTP_EMPTY_ARGS_EX(HttpQueryString, method, 0)
      30                 : #define HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(method, visibility)         PHP_ME(HttpQueryString, method, HTTP_ARGS(HttpQueryString, method), visibility)
      31                 : #define HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(method, visibility)        PHP_ME(HttpQueryString, method, HTTP_ARGS(HttpQueryString, __getter), visibility)
      32                 : 
      33                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(__construct, 0)
      34                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(global, 0)
      35                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(params, 0)
      36                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      37                 : 
      38                 : #ifndef WONKY
      39                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(singleton, 0)
      40                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(global, 0)
      41                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      42                 : #endif
      43                 : 
      44                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(factory, 0)
      45                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(global, 0)
      46                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(params, 0)
      47                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(class_name, 0)
      48                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      49                 : 
      50                 : HTTP_EMPTY_ARGS(toArray);
      51                 : HTTP_EMPTY_ARGS(toString);
      52                 : 
      53                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(get, 0)
      54                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(name, 0)
      55                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(type, 0)
      56                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(defval, 0)
      57                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(delete, 0)
      58                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      59                 : 
      60                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(set, 1)
      61                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(params, 0)
      62                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      63                 : 
      64                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(mod, 0)
      65                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(params, 0)
      66                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      67                 : 
      68                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(__getter, 1)
      69                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(name, 0)
      70                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(defval, 0)
      71                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(delete, 0)
      72                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      73                 : 
      74                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_ICONV
      75                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(xlate, 2)
      76                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(from_encoding, 0)
      77                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(to_encoding, 0)
      78                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      79                 : #endif
      80                 : 
      81                 : HTTP_EMPTY_ARGS(serialize);
      82                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(unserialize, 1)
      83                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(serialized, 0)
      84                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      85                 : 
      86                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(offsetGet, 1)
      87                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(offset, 0)
      88                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      89                 : 
      90                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(offsetSet, 2)
      91                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(offset, 0)
      92                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(value, 0)
      93                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      94                 : 
      95                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(offsetExists, 1)
      96                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(offset, 0)
      97                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
      98                 : 
      99                 : HTTP_BEGIN_ARGS(offsetUnset, 1)
     100                 :         HTTP_ARG_VAL(offset, 0)
     101                 : HTTP_END_ARGS;
     102                 : 
     103                 : 
     104                 : #define THIS_CE http_querystring_object_ce
     105                 : zend_class_entry *http_querystring_object_ce;
     106                 : zend_function_entry http_querystring_object_fe[] = {
     107                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(__construct, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_CTOR|ZEND_ACC_FINAL)
     108                 :         
     109                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(toArray, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     110                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(toString, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     111                 :         ZEND_MALIAS(HttpQueryString, __toString, toString, HTTP_ARGS(HttpQueryString, toString), ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     112                 :         
     113                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(get, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     114                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(set, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     115                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(mod, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     116                 :         
     117                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getBool, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     118                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getInt, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     119                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getFloat, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     120                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getString, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     121                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getArray, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     122                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GME(getObject, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     123                 :         
     124                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(factory, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_STATIC)
     125                 : #ifndef WONKY
     126                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(singleton, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_STATIC)
     127                 : #endif
     128                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_ICONV
     129                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(xlate, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     130                 : #endif
     131                 :         
     132                 :         /* Implements Serializable */
     133                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(serialize, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     134                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(unserialize, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     135                 :         
     136                 :         /* Implements ArrayAccess */
     137                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(offsetGet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     138                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(offsetSet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     139                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(offsetExists, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     140                 :         HTTP_QUERYSTRING_ME(offsetUnset, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
     141                 :         
     142                 :         EMPTY_FUNCTION_ENTRY
     143                 : };
     144                 : static zend_object_handlers http_querystring_object_handlers;
     145                 : 
     146                 : PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(http_querystring_object)
     147             220 : {
     148             220 :         HTTP_REGISTER_CLASS_EX(HttpQueryString, http_querystring_object, NULL, 0);
     149                 :         
     150                 : #ifndef WONKY
     151             220 :         zend_class_implements(http_querystring_object_ce TSRMLS_CC, 2, zend_ce_serializable, zend_ce_arrayaccess);
     152                 : #endif
     153                 :         
     154             220 :         zend_declare_property_null(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("instance")-1, (ZEND_ACC_STATIC|ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) TSRMLS_CC);
     155             220 :         zend_declare_property_null(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE TSRMLS_CC);
     156             220 :         zend_declare_property_string(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, "", ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE TSRMLS_CC);
     157                 :         
     158                 : #ifndef WONKY
     159             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_BOOL")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_BOOL TSRMLS_CC);
     160             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_INT")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_INT TSRMLS_CC);
     161             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_FLOAT")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_FLOAT TSRMLS_CC);
     162             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_STRING")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_STRING TSRMLS_CC);
     163             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_ARRAY")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_ARRAY TSRMLS_CC);
     164             220 :         zend_declare_class_constant_long(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("TYPE_OBJECT")-1, HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_OBJECT TSRMLS_CC);
     165                 : #endif
     166                 :         
     173                 :         
     174             220 :         return SUCCESS;
     175                 : }
     176                 : 
     177                 : zend_object_value _http_querystring_object_new(zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC)
     178               6 : {
     179               6 :         return http_querystring_object_new_ex(ce, NULL, NULL);
     180                 : }
     181                 : 
     182                 : zend_object_value _http_querystring_object_new_ex(zend_class_entry *ce, void *nothing, http_querystring_object **ptr TSRMLS_DC)
     183               6 : {
     184                 :         zend_object_value ov;
     185                 :         http_querystring_object *o;
     186                 : 
     187               6 :         o = ecalloc(1, sizeof(http_querystring_object));
     188               6 :         o->zo.ce = ce;
     189                 :         
     190               6 :         if (ptr) {
     191               0 :                 *ptr = o;
     192                 :         }
     193                 : 
     194               6 :         ALLOC_HASHTABLE(OBJ_PROP(o));
     195               6 :         zend_hash_init(OBJ_PROP(o), zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->default_properties), NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
     196               6 :         zend_hash_copy(OBJ_PROP(o), &ce->default_properties, (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref, NULL, sizeof(zval *));
     197                 : 
     198               6 :         ov.handle = putObject(http_querystring_object, o);
     199               6 :         ov.handlers = &http_querystring_object_handlers;
     200                 : 
     201               6 :         return ov;
     202                 : }
     203                 : 
     204                 : void _http_querystring_object_free(zend_object *object TSRMLS_DC)
     205               6 : {
     206               6 :         http_querystring_object *o = (http_querystring_object *) object;
     207                 : 
     208               6 :         freeObject(o);
     209               6 : }
     210                 : 
     211                 : /* {{{ querystring helpers */
     212                 : #define http_querystring_instantiate(t, g, p, u) _http_querystring_instantiate((t), (g), (p), (u) TSRMLS_CC)
     213                 : static inline zval *_http_querystring_instantiate(zval *this_ptr, zend_bool global, zval *params, zend_bool defer_update TSRMLS_DC)
     214               6 : {
     215               6 :         zval *qarray = NULL, *qstring = NULL, **_SERVER = NULL, **_GET = NULL, **QUERY_STRING = NULL;;
     216                 :         
     217               6 :         if (!this_ptr) {
     218               2 :                 MAKE_STD_ZVAL(this_ptr);
     219               2 :                 Z_TYPE_P(this_ptr) = IS_OBJECT;
     220               2 :                 this_ptr->value.obj = http_querystring_object_new(http_querystring_object_ce);
     221                 :         }
     222               6 :         if (global) {
     223                 : #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
     224               1 :                 zend_is_auto_global("_SERVER", lenof("_SERVER") TSRMLS_CC);
     225                 : #endif
     226               2 :                 if (    (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_SERVER", sizeof("_SERVER"), (void *) &_SERVER)) &&
     227                 :                                 (Z_TYPE_PP(_SERVER) == IS_ARRAY) &&
     228                 :                                 (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(_SERVER), "QUERY_STRING", sizeof("QUERY_STRING"), (void *) &QUERY_STRING))) {
     229                 :                         
     230               1 :                         qstring = *QUERY_STRING;
     231                 : #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
     232               1 :                         zend_is_auto_global("_GET", lenof("_GET") TSRMLS_CC);
     233                 : #endif
     234               2 :                         if ((SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_GET", sizeof("_GET"), (void *) &_GET)) && (Z_TYPE_PP(_GET) == IS_ARRAY)) {
     235               1 :                                 qarray = *_GET;
     236                 :                         } else {
     237               0 :                                 http_error(HE_WARNING, HTTP_E_QUERYSTRING, "Could not acquire reference to superglobal GET array");
     238                 :                         }
     239                 :                 } else {
     240               0 :                         http_error(HE_WARNING, HTTP_E_QUERYSTRING, "Could not acquire reference to QUERY_STRING");
     241                 :                 }
     242                 :                 
     243               1 :                 if (qarray && qstring) {
     244               1 :                         if (Z_TYPE_P(qstring) != IS_STRING) {
     245               0 :                                 convert_to_string(qstring);
     246                 :                         }
     247                 :                         
     248               1 :                         zend_update_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, qarray TSRMLS_CC);
     249               1 :                         zend_update_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, qstring TSRMLS_CC);
     250               1 :                         zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC)->is_ref = 1;
     251               1 :                         zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC)->is_ref = 1;
     252                 :         
     253               1 :                         if (params) {
     254               0 :                                 http_querystring_modify(zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC), params);
     255                 :                         }
     256               1 :                         if (!defer_update) {
     257               1 :                                 http_querystring_update(zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC), zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
     258                 :                         }
     259                 :                 }
     260                 :         } else {
     261               5 :                 qarray = ecalloc(1, sizeof(zval));
     262               5 :                 array_init(qarray);
     263                 :                 
     264               5 :                 zend_update_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, qarray TSRMLS_CC);
     265               5 :                 zend_update_property_stringl(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, "", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     266                 :                 
     267               5 :                 if (params && http_querystring_modify(qarray, params) && !defer_update) {
     268               4 :                         http_querystring_update(qarray, zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
     269                 :                 }
     270                 :         }
     271                 :         
     272               6 :         return this_ptr;
     273                 : }
     274                 : 
     275                 : #define http_querystring_get(o, t, n, l, def, del, r) _http_querystring_get((o), (t), (n), (l), (def), (del), (r) TSRMLS_CC)
     276                 : static inline void _http_querystring_get(zval *this_ptr, int type, char *name, uint name_len, zval *defval, zend_bool del, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC)
     277              22 : {
     278              22 :         zval **arrval, *qarray = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     279                 :                 
     280              40 :         if ((Z_TYPE_P(qarray) == IS_ARRAY) && (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(qarray), name, name_len + 1, (void *) &arrval))) {
     281              18 :                 RETVAL_ZVAL(*arrval, 1, 0);
     282                 :                 
     283              18 :                 if (type) {
     284              12 :                         convert_to_type(type, return_value);
     285                 :                 }
     286                 :                         
     287              18 :                 if (del && (SUCCESS == zend_hash_del(Z_ARRVAL_P(qarray), name, name_len + 1))) {
     288               2 :                         http_querystring_update(qarray, zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
     289                 :                 }
     290               4 :         } else if(defval) {
     291               2 :                 RETURN_ZVAL(defval, 1, 0);
     292                 :         }
     293                 : }
     294                 : /* }}} */
     295                 : 
     296                 : /* {{{ proto final void HttpQueryString::__construct([bool global = true[, mixed add])
     297                 :         Creates a new HttpQueryString object instance. Operates on and modifies $_GET and $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] if global is TRUE. */
     298                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, __construct)
     299               4 : {
     300               4 :         zend_bool global = 1;
     301               4 :         zval *params = NULL;
     302                 :         
     303               4 :         SET_EH_THROW_HTTP();
     304               4 :         if (!sapi_module.treat_data) {
     305               0 :                 http_error(HE_ERROR, HTTP_E_QUERYSTRING, "The SAPI does not have a treat_data function registered");
     306               4 :         } else if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|bz", &global, &params)) {
     307               4 :                 http_querystring_instantiate(getThis(), global, params, 0);
     308                 :         }
     309               4 :         SET_EH_NORMAL();
     310               4 : }
     311                 : /* }}} */
     312                 : 
     313                 : /* {{{ proto HttpQueryString HttpQueryString::factory([bool global = TRUE[, mixed params[, string class_name = "HttpQueryString"])
     314                 :         Creates a new HttpQueryString object instance. */
     315                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, factory)
     316               0 : {
     317               0 :         zend_bool global = 1;
     318               0 :         zval *params = NULL;
     319               0 :         char *cn = NULL;
     320               0 :         int cl = 0;
     321                 :         zend_object_value ov;
     322                 :         
     323               0 :         SET_EH_THROW_HTTP();
     324               0 :         if (!sapi_module.treat_data) {
     325               0 :                 http_error(HE_ERROR, HTTP_E_QUERYSTRING, "The SAPI does not have a treat_data function registered");
     326               0 :         } else if (     SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|bzs", &global, &params, &cn, &cl) &&
     327                 :                                 SUCCESS == http_object_new(&ov, cn, cl, _http_querystring_object_new_ex, http_querystring_object_ce, NULL, NULL)) {
     328               0 :                 RETVAL_OBJVAL(ov, 0);
     329               0 :                 http_querystring_instantiate(return_value, global, params, 0);
     330                 :         }
     331               0 :         SET_EH_NORMAL();
     332               0 : }
     333                 : /* }}} */
     334                 : 
     335                 : /* {{{ proto string HttpQueryString::toString()
     336                 :         Returns the string representation. */
     337                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, toString)
     338               0 : {
     339               0 :         NO_ARGS;
     340               0 :         RETURN_PROP(queryString);
     341                 : }
     342                 : /* }}} */
     343                 : 
     344                 : /* {{{ proto array HttpQueryString::toArray()
     345                 :         Returns the array representation. */
     346                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, toArray)
     347               0 : {
     348               0 :         NO_ARGS;
     349               0 :         RETURN_PROP(queryArray);
     350                 : }
     351                 : /* }}} */
     352                 : 
     353                 : /* {{{ proto mixed HttpQueryString::get([string key[, mixed type = 0[, mixed defval = NULL[, bool delete = false]]]])
     354                 :         Get (part of) the query string. The type parameter is either one of the HttpQueryString::TYPE_* constants or a type abbreviation like "b" for bool, "i" for int, "f" for float, "s" for string, "a" for array and "o" for a stdClass object. */
     355                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, get)
     356              27 : {
     357              27 :         char *name = NULL;
     358              27 :         int name_len = 0;
     359              27 :         long type = 0;
     360              27 :         zend_bool del = 0;
     361              27 :         zval *ztype = NULL, *defval = NULL;
     362                 :         
     363              27 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|szzb", &name, &name_len, &ztype, &defval, &del)) {
     364              49 :                 if (name && name_len) {
     365              22 :                         if (ztype) {
     366              14 :                                 if (Z_TYPE_P(ztype) == IS_LONG) {
     367              10 :                                         type = Z_LVAL_P(ztype);
     368               4 :                                 } else if(Z_TYPE_P(ztype) == IS_STRING) {
     369               4 :                                         switch (Z_STRVAL_P(ztype)[0]) {
     370                 :                                                 case 'B': 
     371               0 :                                                 case 'b':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_BOOL;              break;
     372                 :                                                 case 'I':
     373               2 :                                                 case 'i':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_INT;               break;
     374                 :                                                 case 'F':
     375               0 :                                                 case 'f':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_FLOAT;             break;  
     376                 :                                                 case 'S':
     377               2 :                                                 case 's':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_STRING;    break;
     378                 :                                                 case 'A':
     379               0 :                                                 case 'a':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_ARRAY;             break;
     380                 :                                                 case 'O':
     381               0 :                                                 case 'o':       type = HTTP_QUERYSTRING_TYPE_OBJECT;    break;
     382                 :                                         }
     383                 :                                 }
     384                 :                         }
     385              22 :                         http_querystring_get(getThis(), type, name, name_len, defval, del, return_value);
     386                 :                 } else {
     387               5 :                         RETURN_PROP(queryString);
     388                 :                 }
     389                 :         }
     390                 : }
     391                 : /* }}} */
     392                 : 
     393                 : /* {{{ proto string HttpQueryString::set(mixed params)
     394                 :         Set query string entry/entries. NULL values will unset the variable. */
     395                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, set)
     396               6 : {
     397                 :         zval *params;
     398                 :         
     399               6 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &params)) {
     400               6 :                 zval *qarray = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     401               6 :                 if (http_querystring_modify(qarray, params)) {
     402               6 :                         http_querystring_update(qarray, zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
     403                 :                 }
     404                 :         }
     405                 :         
     406               6 :         if (return_value_used) {
     407               0 :                 RETURN_PROP(queryString);
     408                 :         }
     409                 : }
     410                 : /* }}} */
     411                 : 
     412                 : /* {{{ proto HttpQueryString HttpQueryString::mod(mixed params)
     413                 :         Copies the query string object and sets provided params at the clone. */
     414                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, mod)
     415               1 : {
     416                 :         zval *zobj, *qarr, *qstr, *params;
     417                 :         
     418               1 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &params)) {
     419               1 :                 zobj = http_querystring_instantiate(NULL, 0, zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC), 1);
     420               1 :                 qarr = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, zobj, ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     421               1 :                 qstr = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, zobj, ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     422                 :                 
     423               1 :                 http_querystring_modify(qarr, params);
     424               1 :                 http_querystring_update(qarr, qstr);
     425                 :                 
     426               1 :                 RETURN_ZVAL(zobj, 1, 1);
     427                 :         }
     428                 : }
     429                 : /* }}} */
     430                 : 
     431                 : #ifndef WONKY
     432                 : /* {{{ proto static HttpQueryString HttpQueryString::singleton([bool global = true])
     433                 :         Get a single instance (differentiates between the global setting). */
     434                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, singleton)
     435              16 : {
     436              16 :         zend_bool global = 1;
     437              16 :         zval *instance = *zend_std_get_static_property(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("instance")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     438                 :         
     439              16 :         SET_EH_THROW_HTTP();
     440              16 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|b", &global)) {
     441              16 :                 zval **zobj_ptr = NULL, *zobj = NULL;
     442                 :                 
     443              16 :                 if (Z_TYPE_P(instance) == IS_ARRAY) {
     444              15 :                         if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(instance), global, (void *) &zobj_ptr)) {
     445              15 :                                 RETVAL_ZVAL(*zobj_ptr, 1, 0);
     446                 :                         } else {
     447               0 :                                 zobj = http_querystring_instantiate(NULL, global, NULL, (zend_bool) !global);
     448               0 :                                 add_index_zval(instance, global, zobj);
     449               0 :                                 RETVAL_OBJECT(zobj, 1);
     450                 :                         }
     451                 :                 } else {
     452               1 :                         MAKE_STD_ZVAL(instance);
     453               1 :                         array_init(instance);
     454                 :                         
     455               1 :                         zobj = http_querystring_instantiate(NULL, global, NULL, (zend_bool) !global);
     456               1 :                         add_index_zval(instance, global, zobj);
     457               1 :                         RETVAL_OBJECT(zobj, 1);
     458                 :                         
     459               1 :                         zend_update_static_property(THIS_CE, ZEND_STRS("instance")-1, instance TSRMLS_CC);
     460               1 :                         zval_ptr_dtor(&instance);
     461                 :                 }
     462                 :         }
     463              16 :         SET_EH_NORMAL();
     464              16 : }
     465                 : /* }}} */
     466                 : #endif
     467                 : 
     468                 : /* {{{ Getters by type */
     469                 : #define HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(method, TYPE) \
     470                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, method) \
     471                 : { \
     472                 :         char *name; \
     473                 :         int name_len; \
     474                 :         zval *defval = NULL; \
     475                 :         zend_bool del = 0; \
     476                 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|zb", &name, &name_len, &defval, &del)) { \
     477                 :                 http_querystring_get(getThis(), TYPE, name, name_len, defval, del, return_value); \
     478                 :         } \
     479                 : }
     480               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getBool, IS_BOOL);
     481               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getInt, IS_LONG);
     482               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getFloat, IS_DOUBLE);
     483               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getString, IS_STRING);
     484               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getArray, IS_ARRAY);
     485               0 : HTTP_QUERYSTRING_GETTER(getObject, IS_OBJECT);
     486                 : /* }}} */
     487                 : 
     488                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_ICONV
     489                 : /* {{{ proto bool HttpQueryString::xlate(string ie, string oe)
     490                 :         Converts the query string from the source encoding ie to the target encoding oe. WARNING: Don't use any character set that can contain NUL bytes like UTF-16. */
     491                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, xlate)
     492               2 : {
     493                 :         char *ie, *oe;
     494                 :         int ie_len, oe_len;
     495                 :         zval xa, *qa, *qs;
     496                 :         STATUS rs;
     497                 :         
     498               2 :         if (SUCCESS != zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss", &ie, &ie_len, &oe, &oe_len)) {
     499               0 :                 RETURN_FALSE;
     500                 :         }
     501                 :         
     502               2 :         qa = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     503               2 :         qs = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     504               2 :         INIT_PZVAL(&xa);
     505               2 :         array_init(&xa);
     506                 :         
     507               2 :         if (SUCCESS == (rs = http_querystring_xlate(&xa, qa, ie, oe))) {
     508               2 :                 zend_hash_clean(Z_ARRVAL_P(qa));
     509               2 :                 zend_hash_copy(Z_ARRVAL_P(qa), Z_ARRVAL(xa), (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref, NULL, sizeof(zval *));
     510               2 :                 http_querystring_update(qa, qs);
     511                 :         }
     512               2 :         zval_dtor(&xa);
     513                 :         
     514               2 :         RETURN_SUCCESS(rs);
     515                 : }
     516                 : /* }}} */
     517                 : #endif /* HAVE_ICONV */
     518                 : 
     519                 : /* {{{ proto string HttpQueryString::serialize()
     520                 :         Implements Serializable::serialize(). */
     521                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, serialize)
     522               0 : {
     523               0 :         NO_ARGS;
     524               0 :         RETURN_PROP(queryString);
     525                 : }
     526                 : /* }}} */
     527                 : 
     528                 : /* {{{ proto void HttpQueryString::unserialize(string serialized)
     529                 :         Implements Serializable::unserialize(). */
     530                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, unserialize)
     531               0 : {
     532                 :         zval *serialized;
     533                 :         
     534               0 :         SET_EH_THROW_HTTP();
     535               0 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &serialized)) {
     536               0 :                 if (Z_TYPE_P(serialized) == IS_STRING) {
     537               0 :                         http_querystring_instantiate(getThis(), 0, serialized, 0);
     538                 :                 } else {
     539               0 :                         http_error(HE_WARNING, HTTP_E_QUERYSTRING, "Expected a string as parameter");
     540                 :                 }
     541                 :         }
     542               0 :         SET_EH_NORMAL();
     543               0 : }
     544                 : /* }}} */
     545                 : 
     546                 : /* {{{ proto mixed HttpQueryString::offsetGet(string offset)
     547                 :         Implements ArrayAccess::offsetGet(). */
     548                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, offsetGet)
     549               0 : {
     550                 :         char *offset_str;
     551                 :         int offset_len;
     552                 :         zval **value;
     553                 :         
     554               0 :         if (    (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &offset_str, &offset_len)) &&
     555                 :                         (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC)), offset_str, offset_len + 1, (void *) &value))) {
     556               0 :                 RETVAL_ZVAL(*value, 1, 0);
     557                 :         }
     558               0 : }
     559                 : /* }}} */
     560                 : 
     561                 : /* {{{ proto void HttpQueryString::offsetSet(string offset, mixed value)
     562                 :         Implements ArrayAccess::offsetGet(). */
     563                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, offsetSet)
     564               0 : {
     565                 :         char *offset_str;
     566                 :         int offset_len;
     567                 :         zval *value;
     568                 :         
     569               0 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sz", &offset_str, &offset_len, &value)) {
     570               0 :                 zval *qarr = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC), *qstr = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     571                 :                 
     572               0 :                 ZVAL_ADDREF(value);
     573               0 :                 add_assoc_zval_ex(qarr, offset_str, offset_len + 1, value);
     574               0 :                 http_querystring_update(qarr, qstr);
     575                 :         }
     576               0 : }
     577                 : /* }}} */
     578                 : 
     579                 : /* {{{ proto bool HttpQueryString::offsetExists(string offset)
     580                 :         Implements ArrayAccess::offsetExists(). */
     581                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, offsetExists)
     582               0 : {
     583                 :         char *offset_str;
     584                 :         int offset_len;
     585                 :         zval **value;
     586                 :         
     587               0 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &offset_str, &offset_len)) {
     588               0 :                 RETURN_BOOL((SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC)), offset_str, offset_len + 1, (void *) &value)) && (Z_TYPE_PP(value) != IS_NULL));
     589                 :         }
     590                 : }
     591                 : /* }}} */
     592                 : 
     593                 : /* {{{ proto void HttpQueryString::offsetUnset(string offset)
     594                 :         Implements ArrayAccess::offsetUnset(). */
     595                 : PHP_METHOD(HttpQueryString, offsetUnset)
     596               0 : {
     597                 :         char *offset_str;
     598                 :         int offset_len;
     599                 :         
     600               0 :         if (SUCCESS == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &offset_str, &offset_len)) {
     601               0 :                 zval *qarr = zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryArray")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
     602                 :                 
     603               0 :                 if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_del(Z_ARRVAL_P(qarr), offset_str, offset_len + 1)) {
     604               0 :                         http_querystring_update(qarr, zend_read_property(THIS_CE, getThis(), ZEND_STRS("queryString")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
     605                 :                 }
     606                 :         }
     607               0 : }
     608                 : /* }}} */
     609                 : 
     610                 : #endif /* ZEND_ENGINE_2 */
     611                 : 
     612                 : /*
     613                 :  * Local variables:
     614                 :  * tab-width: 4
     615                 :  * c-basic-offset: 4
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     617                 :  * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
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     619                 :  */
     620                 : 

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