LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - ext/http - php_http_cache_api.h
Test: PHP Code Coverage
Date: 2007-04-10 Instrumented lines: 53
Code covered: 77.4 % Executed lines: 41
Legend: not executed executed

       1                 : /*
       2                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       3                 :     | PECL :: http                                                       |
       4                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       5                 :     | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
       6                 :     | modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
       7                 :     | in the accompanying LICENSE file are met.                          |
       8                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       9                 :     | Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Michael Wallner <>            |
      10                 :     +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      11                 : */
      12                 : 
      13                 : /* $Id: php_http_cache_api.h,v 1.36 2007/02/07 11:50:27 mike Exp $ */
      14                 : 
      15                 : #ifndef PHP_HTTP_CACHE_API_H
      16                 : #define PHP_HTTP_CACHE_API_H
      17                 : 
      18                 : #include "php_http_send_api.h"
      19                 : 
      20                 : #include "ext/standard/crc32.h"
      21                 : #include "ext/standard/sha1.h"
      22                 : #include "ext/standard/md5.h"
      23                 : 
      24                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_HASH
      25                 : #       include "php_hash.h"
      26                 : #endif
      27                 : 
      28                 : #define http_etag_digest(d, l) _http_etag_digest((d), (l))
      29                 : static inline char *_http_etag_digest(const unsigned char *digest, int len)
      30              12 : {
      31                 :         static const char hexdigits[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
      32                 :         int i;
      33              12 :         char *hex = emalloc(len * 2 + 1);
      34              12 :         char *ptr = hex;
      35                 :         
      36             220 :         for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      37             208 :                 *ptr++ = hexdigits[digest[i] >> 4];
      38             208 :                 *ptr++ = hexdigits[digest[i] & 0xF];
      39                 :         }
      40              12 :         *ptr = '\0';
      41                 :         
      42              12 :         return hex;
      43                 : }
      44                 : 
      45                 : #define http_etag_init() _http_etag_init(TSRMLS_C)
      46                 : static inline void *_http_etag_init(TSRMLS_D)
      47              12 : {
      48              12 :         void *ctx = NULL;
      49              12 :         char *mode = HTTP_G->etag.mode;
      50                 :         
      51                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_HASH
      52              12 :         const php_hash_ops *eho = NULL;
      53                 :         
      54              23 :         if (mode && (eho = php_hash_fetch_ops(mode, strlen(mode)))) {
      55              11 :                 ctx = emalloc(eho->context_size);
      56              11 :                 eho->hash_init(ctx);
      57                 :         } else
      58                 : #endif
      59               1 :         if (mode && ((!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32")) || (!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32b")))) {
      60               0 :                 ctx = emalloc(sizeof(uint));
      61               0 :                 *((uint *) ctx) = ~0;
      62               1 :         } else if (mode && !strcasecmp(mode, "sha1")) {
      63               0 :                 PHP_SHA1Init(ctx = emalloc(sizeof(PHP_SHA1_CTX)));
      64                 :         } else {
      65               1 :                 PHP_MD5Init(ctx = emalloc(sizeof(PHP_MD5_CTX)));
      66                 :         }
      67                 :         
      68              12 :         return ctx;
      69                 : }
      70                 : 
      71                 : #define http_etag_finish(c) _http_etag_finish((c) TSRMLS_CC)
      72                 : static inline char *_http_etag_finish(void *ctx TSRMLS_DC)
      73              12 : {
      74              12 :         unsigned char digest[128] = {0};
      75              12 :         char *etag = NULL, *mode = HTTP_G->etag.mode;
      76                 :         
      77                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_HASH
      78              12 :         const php_hash_ops *eho = NULL;
      79                 :         
      80              23 :         if (mode && (eho = php_hash_fetch_ops(mode, strlen(mode)))) {
      81              11 :                 eho->hash_final(digest, ctx);
      82              11 :                 etag = http_etag_digest(digest, eho->digest_size);
      83                 :         } else
      84                 : #endif
      85               1 :         if (mode && ((!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32")) || (!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32b")))) {
      86               0 :                 *((uint *) ctx) = ~*((uint *) ctx);
      87               0 :                 etag = http_etag_digest((const unsigned char *) ctx, sizeof(uint));
      88               1 :         } else if (mode && (!strcasecmp(mode, "sha1"))) {
      89               0 :                 PHP_SHA1Final(digest, ctx);
      90               0 :                 etag = http_etag_digest(digest, 20);
      91                 :         } else {
      92               1 :                 PHP_MD5Final(digest, ctx);
      93               1 :                 etag = http_etag_digest(digest, 16);
      94                 :         }
      95              12 :         efree(ctx);
      96                 :         
      97              12 :         return etag;
      98                 : }
      99                 : 
     100                 : #define http_etag_update(c, d, l) _http_etag_update((c), (d), (l) TSRMLS_CC)
     101                 : static inline void _http_etag_update(void *ctx, const char *data_ptr, size_t data_len TSRMLS_DC)
     102              12 : {
     103              12 :         char *mode = HTTP_G->etag.mode;
     104                 : #ifdef HTTP_HAVE_HASH
     105              12 :         const php_hash_ops *eho = NULL;
     106                 :         
     107              23 :         if (mode && (eho = php_hash_fetch_ops(mode, strlen(mode)))) {
     108              11 :                 eho->hash_update(ctx, (const unsigned char *) data_ptr, data_len);
     109                 :         } else
     110                 : #endif
     111               1 :         if (mode && ((!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32")) || (!strcasecmp(mode, "crc32b")))) {
     112               0 :                 uint i, c = *((uint *) ctx);
     113               0 :                 for (i = 0; i < data_len; ++i) {
     114               0 :                         CRC32(c, data_ptr[i]);
     115                 :                 }
     116               0 :                 *((uint *)ctx) = c;
     117               1 :         } else if (mode && (!strcasecmp(mode, "sha1"))) {
     118               0 :                 PHP_SHA1Update(ctx, (const unsigned char *) data_ptr, data_len);
     119                 :         } else {
     120               1 :                 PHP_MD5Update(ctx, (const unsigned char *) data_ptr, data_len);
     121                 :         }
     122              12 : }
     123                 : 
     124                 : #define http_ob_etaghandler(o, l, ho, hl, m) _http_ob_etaghandler((o), (l), (ho), (hl), (m) TSRMLS_CC)
     125                 : extern void _http_ob_etaghandler(char *output, uint output_len, char **handled_output, uint *handled_output_len, int mode TSRMLS_DC);
     126                 : 
     127                 : #define http_etag(p, l, m) _http_etag((p), (l), (m) TSRMLS_CC)
     128                 : PHP_HTTP_API char *_http_etag(const void *data_ptr, size_t data_len, http_send_mode data_mode TSRMLS_DC);
     129                 : 
     130                 : #define http_last_modified(p, m) _http_last_modified((p), (m) TSRMLS_CC)
     131                 : PHP_HTTP_API time_t _http_last_modified(const void *data_ptr, http_send_mode data_mode TSRMLS_DC);
     132                 : 
     133                 : #define http_match_last_modified(entry, modified) _http_match_last_modified_ex((entry), (modified), 1 TSRMLS_CC)
     134                 : #define http_match_last_modified_ex(entry, modified, ep) _http_match_last_modified_ex((entry), (modified), (ep) TSRMLS_CC)
     135                 : PHP_HTTP_API zend_bool _http_match_last_modified_ex(const char *entry, time_t t, zend_bool enforce_presence TSRMLS_DC);
     136                 : 
     137                 : #define http_match_etag(entry, etag) _http_match_etag_ex((entry), (etag), 1 TSRMLS_CC)
     138                 : #define http_match_etag_ex(entry, etag, ep) _http_match_etag_ex((entry), (etag), (ep) TSRMLS_CC)
     139                 : PHP_HTTP_API zend_bool _http_match_etag_ex(const char *entry, const char *etag, zend_bool enforce_presence TSRMLS_DC);
     140                 : 
     141                 : #define http_cache_last_modified(l, s, cc, ccl) _http_cache_last_modified((l), (s), (cc), (ccl) TSRMLS_CC)
     142                 : PHP_HTTP_API STATUS _http_cache_last_modified(time_t last_modified, time_t send_modified, const char *cache_control, size_t cc_len TSRMLS_DC);
     143                 : 
     144                 : #define http_cache_etag(e, el, cc, ccl) _http_cache_etag((e), (el), (cc), (ccl) TSRMLS_CC)
     145                 : PHP_HTTP_API STATUS _http_cache_etag(const char *etag, size_t etag_len, const char *cache_control, size_t cc_len TSRMLS_DC);
     146                 : 
     147                 : #define http_start_ob_etaghandler() _http_start_ob_etaghandler(TSRMLS_C)
     148                 : PHP_HTTP_API STATUS _http_start_ob_etaghandler(TSRMLS_D);
     149                 : #define http_interrupt_ob_etaghandler() _http_interrupt_ob_etaghandler(TSRMLS_C)
     150                 : PHP_HTTP_API zend_bool _http_interrupt_ob_etaghandler(TSRMLS_D);
     151                 : 
     152                 : #endif
     153                 : 
     154                 : /*
     155                 :  * Local variables:
     156                 :  * tab-width: 4
     157                 :  * c-basic-offset: 4
     158                 :  * End:
     159                 :  * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
     160                 :  * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
     161                 :  */
     162                 : 

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.5