LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - ext/pcre/pcrelib - pcre_study.c
Test: PHP Code Coverage
Date: 2007-04-10 Instrumented lines: 163
Code covered: 0.0 % Executed lines: 0
Legend: not executed executed

       1                 : /*************************************************
       2                 : *      Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions       *
       3                 : *************************************************/
       4                 : 
       5                 : /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax
       6                 : and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language.
       7                 : 
       8                 :                        Written by Philip Hazel
       9                 :            Copyright (c) 1997-2006 University of Cambridge
      10                 : 
      11                 : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      12                 : Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
      13                 : modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
      14                 : 
      15                 :     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      16                 :       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
      17                 : 
      18                 :     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      19                 :       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      20                 :       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
      21                 : 
      22                 :     * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its
      23                 :       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
      24                 :       this software without specific prior written permission.
      25                 : 
      36                 : POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
      37                 : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      38                 : */
      39                 : 
      40                 : 
      41                 : /* This module contains the external function pcre_study(), along with local
      42                 : supporting functions. */
      43                 : 
      44                 : 
      45                 : #include "pcre_internal.h"
      46                 : 
      47                 : 
      48                 : /* Returns from set_start_bits() */
      49                 : 
      50                 : enum { SSB_FAIL, SSB_DONE, SSB_CONTINUE };
      51                 : 
      52                 : 
      53                 : /*************************************************
      54                 : *      Set a bit and maybe its alternate case    *
      55                 : *************************************************/
      56                 : 
      57                 : /* Given a character, set its bit in the table, and also the bit for the other
      58                 : version of a letter if we are caseless.
      59                 : 
      60                 : Arguments:
      61                 :   start_bits    points to the bit map
      62                 :   c             is the character
      63                 :   caseless      the caseless flag
      64                 :   cd            the block with char table pointers
      65                 : 
      66                 : Returns:        nothing
      67                 : */
      68                 : 
      69                 : static void
      70                 : set_bit(uschar *start_bits, unsigned int c, BOOL caseless, compile_data *cd)
      71               0 : {
      72               0 : start_bits[c/8] |= (1 << (c&7));
      73               0 : if (caseless && (cd->ctypes[c] & ctype_letter) != 0)
      74               0 :   start_bits[cd->fcc[c]/8] |= (1 << (cd->fcc[c]&7));
      75               0 : }
      76                 : 
      77                 : 
      78                 : 
      79                 : /*************************************************
      80                 : *          Create bitmap of starting bytes       *
      81                 : *************************************************/
      82                 : 
      83                 : /* This function scans a compiled unanchored expression recursively and
      84                 : attempts to build a bitmap of the set of possible starting bytes. As time goes
      85                 : by, we may be able to get more clever at doing this. The SSB_CONTINUE return is
      86                 : useful for parenthesized groups in patterns such as (a*)b where the group
      87                 : provides some optional starting bytes but scanning must continue at the outer
      88                 : level to find at least one mandatory byte. At the outermost level, this
      89                 : function fails unless the result is SSB_DONE.
      90                 : 
      91                 : Arguments:
      92                 :   code         points to an expression
      93                 :   start_bits   points to a 32-byte table, initialized to 0
      94                 :   caseless     the current state of the caseless flag
      95                 :   utf8         TRUE if in UTF-8 mode
      96                 :   cd           the block with char table pointers
      97                 : 
      98                 : Returns:       SSB_FAIL     => Failed to find any starting bytes
      99                 :                SSB_DONE     => Found mandatory starting bytes
     100                 :                SSB_CONTINUE => Found optional starting bytes
     101                 : */
     102                 : 
     103                 : static int
     104                 : set_start_bits(const uschar *code, uschar *start_bits, BOOL caseless,
     105                 :   BOOL utf8, compile_data *cd)
     106               0 : {
     107                 : register int c;
     108               0 : int yield = SSB_DONE;
     109                 : 
     110                 : #if 0
     111                 : /* ========================================================================= */
     112                 : /* The following comment and code was inserted in January 1999. In May 2006,
     113                 : when it was observed to cause compiler warnings about unused values, I took it
     114                 : out again. If anybody is still using OS/2, they will have to put it back
     115                 : manually. */
     116                 : 
     117                 : /* This next statement and the later reference to dummy are here in order to
     118                 : trick the optimizer of the IBM C compiler for OS/2 into generating correct
     119                 : code. Apparently IBM isn't going to fix the problem, and we would rather not
     120                 : disable optimization (in this module it actually makes a big difference, and
     121                 : the pcre module can use all the optimization it can get). */
     122                 : 
     123                 : volatile int dummy;
     124                 : /* ========================================================================= */
     125                 : #endif
     126                 : 
     127                 : do
     128                 :   {
     129               0 :   const uschar *tcode = code + (((int)*code == OP_CBRA)? 3:1) + LINK_SIZE;
     130               0 :   BOOL try_next = TRUE;
     131                 : 
     132               0 :   while (try_next)    /* Loop for items in this branch */
     133                 :     {
     134                 :     int rc;
     135               0 :     switch(*tcode)
     136                 :       {
     137                 :       /* Fail if we reach something we don't understand */
     138                 : 
     139                 :       default:
     140               0 :       return SSB_FAIL;
     141                 : 
     142                 :       /* If we hit a bracket or a positive lookahead assertion, recurse to set
     143                 :       bits from within the subpattern. If it can't find anything, we have to
     144                 :       give up. If it finds some mandatory character(s), we are done for this
     145                 :       branch. Otherwise, carry on scanning after the subpattern. */
     146                 : 
     147                 :       case OP_BRA:
     148                 :       case OP_SBRA:
     149                 :       case OP_CBRA:
     150                 :       case OP_SCBRA:
     151                 :       case OP_ONCE:
     152                 :       case OP_ASSERT:
     153               0 :       rc = set_start_bits(tcode, start_bits, caseless, utf8, cd);
     154               0 :       if (rc == SSB_FAIL) return SSB_FAIL;
     155               0 :       if (rc == SSB_DONE) try_next = FALSE; else
     156                 :         {
     157               0 :         do tcode += GET(tcode, 1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
     158               0 :         tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
     159                 :         }
     160               0 :       break;
     161                 : 
     162                 :       /* If we hit ALT or KET, it means we haven't found anything mandatory in
     163                 :       this branch, though we might have found something optional. For ALT, we
     164                 :       continue with the next alternative, but we have to arrange that the final
     165                 :       result from subpattern is SSB_CONTINUE rather than SSB_DONE. For KET,
     166                 :       return SSB_CONTINUE: if this is the top level, that indicates failure,
     167                 :       but after a nested subpattern, it causes scanning to continue. */
     168                 : 
     169                 :       case OP_ALT:
     170               0 :       yield = SSB_CONTINUE;
     171               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     172               0 :       break;
     173                 : 
     174                 :       case OP_KET:
     175                 :       case OP_KETRMAX:
     176                 :       case OP_KETRMIN:
     177               0 :       return SSB_CONTINUE;
     178                 : 
     179                 :       /* Skip over callout */
     180                 : 
     181                 :       case OP_CALLOUT:
     182               0 :       tcode += 2 + 2*LINK_SIZE;
     183               0 :       break;
     184                 : 
     185                 :       /* Skip over lookbehind and negative lookahead assertions */
     186                 : 
     187                 :       case OP_ASSERT_NOT:
     188                 :       case OP_ASSERTBACK:
     189                 :       case OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT:
     190               0 :       do tcode += GET(tcode, 1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
     191               0 :       tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
     192               0 :       break;
     193                 : 
     194                 :       /* Skip over an option setting, changing the caseless flag */
     195                 : 
     196                 :       case OP_OPT:
     197               0 :       caseless = (tcode[1] & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0;
     198               0 :       tcode += 2;
     199               0 :       break;
     200                 : 
     201                 :       /* BRAZERO does the bracket, but carries on. */
     202                 : 
     203                 :       case OP_BRAZERO:
     204                 :       case OP_BRAMINZERO:
     205               0 :       if (set_start_bits(++tcode, start_bits, caseless, utf8, cd) == SSB_FAIL)
     206               0 :         return SSB_FAIL;
     207                 : /* =========================================================================
     208                 :       See the comment at the head of this function concerning the next line,
     209                 :       which was an old fudge for the benefit of OS/2.
     210                 :       dummy = 1;
     211                 :   ========================================================================= */
     212               0 :       do tcode += GET(tcode,1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
     213               0 :       tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
     214               0 :       break;
     215                 : 
     216                 :       /* Single-char * or ? sets the bit and tries the next item */
     217                 : 
     218                 :       case OP_STAR:
     219                 :       case OP_MINSTAR:
     220                 :       case OP_POSSTAR:
     221                 :       case OP_QUERY:
     222                 :       case OP_MINQUERY:
     223                 :       case OP_POSQUERY:
     224               0 :       set_bit(start_bits, tcode[1], caseless, cd);
     225               0 :       tcode += 2;
     226                 : #ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
     227               0 :       if (utf8 && tcode[-1] >= 0xc0)
     228               0 :         tcode += _pcre_utf8_table4[tcode[-1] & 0x3f];
     229                 : #endif
     230               0 :       break;
     231                 : 
     232                 :       /* Single-char upto sets the bit and tries the next */
     233                 : 
     234                 :       case OP_UPTO:
     235                 :       case OP_MINUPTO:
     236                 :       case OP_POSUPTO:
     237               0 :       set_bit(start_bits, tcode[3], caseless, cd);
     238               0 :       tcode += 4;
     239                 : #ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
     240               0 :       if (utf8 && tcode[-1] >= 0xc0)
     241               0 :         tcode += _pcre_utf8_table4[tcode[-1] & 0x3f];
     242                 : #endif
     243               0 :       break;
     244                 : 
     245                 :       /* At least one single char sets the bit and stops */
     246                 : 
     247                 :       case OP_EXACT:       /* Fall through */
     248               0 :       tcode += 2;
     249                 : 
     250                 :       case OP_CHAR:
     251                 :       case OP_CHARNC:
     252                 :       case OP_PLUS:
     253                 :       case OP_MINPLUS:
     254                 :       case OP_POSPLUS:
     255               0 :       set_bit(start_bits, tcode[1], caseless, cd);
     256               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     257               0 :       break;
     258                 : 
     259                 :       /* Single character type sets the bits and stops */
     260                 : 
     261                 :       case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
     262               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     263               0 :         start_bits[c] |= ~cd->cbits[c+cbit_digit];
     264               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     265               0 :       break;
     266                 : 
     267                 :       case OP_DIGIT:
     268               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     269               0 :         start_bits[c] |= cd->cbits[c+cbit_digit];
     270               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     271               0 :       break;
     272                 : 
     273                 :       /* The cbit_space table has vertical tab as whitespace; we have to
     274                 :       discard it. */
     275                 : 
     276                 :       case OP_NOT_WHITESPACE:
     277               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     278                 :         {
     279               0 :         int d = cd->cbits[c+cbit_space];
     280               0 :         if (c == 1) d &= ~0x08;
     281               0 :         start_bits[c] |= ~d;
     282                 :         }
     283               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     284               0 :       break;
     285                 : 
     286                 :       /* The cbit_space table has vertical tab as whitespace; we have to
     287                 :       discard it. */
     288                 : 
     289                 :       case OP_WHITESPACE:
     290               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     291                 :         {
     292               0 :         int d = cd->cbits[c+cbit_space];
     293               0 :         if (c == 1) d &= ~0x08;
     294               0 :         start_bits[c] |= d;
     295                 :         }
     296               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     297               0 :       break;
     298                 : 
     299                 :       case OP_NOT_WORDCHAR:
     300               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     301               0 :         start_bits[c] |= ~cd->cbits[c+cbit_word];
     302               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     303               0 :       break;
     304                 : 
     305                 :       case OP_WORDCHAR:
     306               0 :       for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     307               0 :         start_bits[c] |= cd->cbits[c+cbit_word];
     308               0 :       try_next = FALSE;
     309               0 :       break;
     310                 : 
     311                 :       /* One or more character type fudges the pointer and restarts, knowing
     312                 :       it will hit a single character type and stop there. */
     313                 : 
     314                 :       case OP_TYPEPLUS:
     315                 :       case OP_TYPEMINPLUS:
     316               0 :       tcode++;
     317               0 :       break;
     318                 : 
     319                 :       case OP_TYPEEXACT:
     320               0 :       tcode += 3;
     321               0 :       break;
     322                 : 
     323                 :       /* Zero or more repeats of character types set the bits and then
     324                 :       try again. */
     325                 : 
     326                 :       case OP_TYPEUPTO:
     327                 :       case OP_TYPEMINUPTO:
     328                 :       case OP_TYPEPOSUPTO:
     329               0 :       tcode += 2;               /* Fall through */
     330                 : 
     331                 :       case OP_TYPESTAR:
     332                 :       case OP_TYPEMINSTAR:
     333                 :       case OP_TYPEPOSSTAR:
     334                 :       case OP_TYPEQUERY:
     335                 :       case OP_TYPEMINQUERY:
     336                 :       case OP_TYPEPOSQUERY:
     337               0 :       switch(tcode[1])
     338                 :         {
     339                 :         case OP_ANY:
     340               0 :         return SSB_FAIL;
     341                 : 
     342                 :         case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
     343               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     344               0 :           start_bits[c] |= ~cd->cbits[c+cbit_digit];
     345               0 :         break;
     346                 : 
     347                 :         case OP_DIGIT:
     348               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     349               0 :           start_bits[c] |= cd->cbits[c+cbit_digit];
     350               0 :         break;
     351                 : 
     352                 :         /* The cbit_space table has vertical tab as whitespace; we have to
     353                 :         discard it. */
     354                 : 
     355                 :         case OP_NOT_WHITESPACE:
     356               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     357                 :           {
     358               0 :           int d = cd->cbits[c+cbit_space];
     359               0 :           if (c == 1) d &= ~0x08;
     360               0 :           start_bits[c] |= ~d;
     361                 :           }
     362               0 :         break;
     363                 : 
     364                 :         /* The cbit_space table has vertical tab as whitespace; we have to
     365                 :         discard it. */
     366                 : 
     367                 :         case OP_WHITESPACE:
     368               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     369                 :           {
     370               0 :           int d = cd->cbits[c+cbit_space];
     371               0 :           if (c == 1) d &= ~0x08;
     372               0 :           start_bits[c] |= d;
     373                 :           }
     374               0 :         break;
     375                 : 
     376                 :         case OP_NOT_WORDCHAR:
     377               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     378               0 :           start_bits[c] |= ~cd->cbits[c+cbit_word];
     379               0 :         break;
     380                 : 
     381                 :         case OP_WORDCHAR:
     382               0 :         for (c = 0; c < 32; c++)
     383               0 :           start_bits[c] |= cd->cbits[c+cbit_word];
     384                 :         break;
     385                 :         }
     386                 : 
     387               0 :       tcode += 2;
     388               0 :       break;
     389                 : 
     390                 :       /* Character class where all the information is in a bit map: set the
     391                 :       bits and either carry on or not, according to the repeat count. If it was
     392                 :       a negative class, and we are operating with UTF-8 characters, any byte
     393                 :       with a value >= 0xc4 is a potentially valid starter because it starts a
     394                 :       character with a value > 255. */
     395                 : 
     396                 :       case OP_NCLASS:
     397               0 :       if (utf8)
     398                 :         {
     399               0 :         start_bits[24] |= 0xf0;              /* Bits for 0xc4 - 0xc8 */
     400               0 :         memset(start_bits+25, 0xff, 7);      /* Bits for 0xc9 - 0xff */
     401                 :         }
     402                 :       /* Fall through */
     403                 : 
     404                 :       case OP_CLASS:
     405                 :         {
     406               0 :         tcode++;
     407                 : 
     408                 :         /* In UTF-8 mode, the bits in a bit map correspond to character
     409                 :         values, not to byte values. However, the bit map we are constructing is
     410                 :         for byte values. So we have to do a conversion for characters whose
     411                 :         value is > 127. In fact, there are only two possible starting bytes for
     412                 :         characters in the range 128 - 255. */
     413                 : 
     414               0 :         if (utf8)
     415                 :           {
     416               0 :           for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) start_bits[c] |= tcode[c];
     417               0 :           for (c = 128; c < 256; c++)
     418                 :             {
     419               0 :             if ((tcode[c/8] && (1 << (c&7))) != 0)
     420                 :               {
     421               0 :               int d = (c >> 6) | 0xc0;            /* Set bit for this starter */
     422               0 :               start_bits[d/8] |= (1 << (d&7));    /* and then skip on to the */
     423               0 :               c = (c & 0xc0) + 0x40 - 1;          /* next relevant character. */
     424                 :               }
     425                 :             }
     426                 :           }
     427                 : 
     428                 :         /* In non-UTF-8 mode, the two bit maps are completely compatible. */
     429                 : 
     430                 :         else
     431                 :           {
     432               0 :           for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) start_bits[c] |= tcode[c];
     433                 :           }
     434                 : 
     435                 :         /* Advance past the bit map, and act on what follows */
     436                 : 
     437               0 :         tcode += 32;
     438               0 :         switch (*tcode)
     439                 :           {
     440                 :           case OP_CRSTAR:
     441                 :           case OP_CRMINSTAR:
     442                 :           case OP_CRQUERY:
     443                 :           case OP_CRMINQUERY:
     444               0 :           tcode++;
     445               0 :           break;
     446                 : 
     447                 :           case OP_CRRANGE:
     448                 :           case OP_CRMINRANGE:
     449               0 :           if (((tcode[1] << 8) + tcode[2]) == 0) tcode += 5;
     450               0 :             else try_next = FALSE;
     451               0 :           break;
     452                 : 
     453                 :           default:
     454               0 :           try_next = FALSE;
     455                 :           break;
     456                 :           }
     457                 :         }
     458                 :       break; /* End of bitmap class handling */
     459                 : 
     460                 :       }      /* End of switch */
     461                 :     }        /* End of try_next loop */
     462                 : 
     463               0 :   code += GET(code, 1);   /* Advance to next branch */
     464                 :   }
     465               0 : while (*code == OP_ALT);
     466               0 : return yield;
     467                 : }
     468                 : 
     469                 : 
     470                 : 
     471                 : /*************************************************
     472                 : *          Study a compiled expression           *
     473                 : *************************************************/
     474                 : 
     475                 : /* This function is handed a compiled expression that it must study to produce
     476                 : information that will speed up the matching. It returns a pcre_extra block
     477                 : which then gets handed back to pcre_exec().
     478                 : 
     479                 : Arguments:
     480                 :   re        points to the compiled expression
     481                 :   options   contains option bits
     482                 :   errorptr  points to where to place error messages;
     483                 :             set NULL unless error
     484                 : 
     485                 : Returns:    pointer to a pcre_extra block, with study_data filled in and the
     486                 :               appropriate flag set;
     487                 :             NULL on error or if no optimization possible
     488                 : */
     489                 : 
     490                 : PCRE_DATA_SCOPE pcre_extra *
     491                 : pcre_study(const pcre *external_re, int options, const char **errorptr)
     492               0 : {
     493                 : uschar start_bits[32];
     494                 : pcre_extra *extra;
     495                 : pcre_study_data *study;
     496                 : const uschar *tables;
     497                 : uschar *code;
     498                 : compile_data compile_block;
     499               0 : const real_pcre *re = (const real_pcre *)external_re;
     500                 : 
     501               0 : *errorptr = NULL;
     502                 : 
     503               0 : if (re == NULL || re->magic_number != MAGIC_NUMBER)
     504                 :   {
     505               0 :   *errorptr = "argument is not a compiled regular expression";
     506               0 :   return NULL;
     507                 :   }
     508                 : 
     509               0 : if ((options & ~PUBLIC_STUDY_OPTIONS) != 0)
     510                 :   {
     511               0 :   *errorptr = "unknown or incorrect option bit(s) set";
     512               0 :   return NULL;
     513                 :   }
     514                 : 
     515               0 : code = (uschar *)re + re->name_table_offset +
     516                 :   (re->name_count * re->name_entry_size);
     517                 : 
     518                 : /* For an anchored pattern, or an unanchored pattern that has a first char, or
     519                 : a multiline pattern that matches only at "line starts", no further processing
     520                 : at present. */
     521                 : 
     522               0 : if ((re->options & (PCRE_ANCHORED|PCRE_FIRSTSET|PCRE_STARTLINE)) != 0)
     523               0 :   return NULL;
     524                 : 
     525                 : /* Set the character tables in the block that is passed around */
     526                 : 
     527               0 : tables = re->tables;
     528               0 : if (tables == NULL)
     529               0 :   (void)pcre_fullinfo(external_re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_DEFAULT_TABLES,
     530                 :   (void *)(&tables));
     531                 : 
     532               0 : compile_block.lcc = tables + lcc_offset;
     533               0 : compile_block.fcc = tables + fcc_offset;
     534               0 : compile_block.cbits = tables + cbits_offset;
     535               0 : compile_block.ctypes = tables + ctypes_offset;
     536                 : 
     537                 : /* See if we can find a fixed set of initial characters for the pattern. */
     538                 : 
     539               0 : memset(start_bits, 0, 32 * sizeof(uschar));
     540               0 : if (set_start_bits(code, start_bits, (re->options & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0,
     541               0 :   (re->options & PCRE_UTF8) != 0, &compile_block) != SSB_DONE) return NULL;
     542                 : 
     543                 : /* Get a pcre_extra block and a pcre_study_data block. The study data is put in
     544                 : the latter, which is pointed to by the former, which may also get additional
     545                 : data set later by the calling program. At the moment, the size of
     546                 : pcre_study_data is fixed. We nevertheless save it in a field for returning via
     547                 : the pcre_fullinfo() function so that if it becomes variable in the future, we
     548                 : don't have to change that code. */
     549                 : 
     550               0 : extra = (pcre_extra *)(pcre_malloc)
     551                 :   (sizeof(pcre_extra) + sizeof(pcre_study_data));
     552                 : 
     553               0 : if (extra == NULL)
     554                 :   {
     555               0 :   *errorptr = "failed to get memory";
     556               0 :   return NULL;
     557                 :   }
     558                 : 
     559               0 : study = (pcre_study_data *)((char *)extra + sizeof(pcre_extra));
     560               0 : extra->flags = PCRE_EXTRA_STUDY_DATA;
     561               0 : extra->study_data = study;
     562                 : 
     563               0 : study->size = sizeof(pcre_study_data);
     564               0 : study->options = PCRE_STUDY_MAPPED;
     565               0 : memcpy(study->start_bits, start_bits, sizeof(start_bits));
     566                 : 
     567               0 : return extra;
     568                 : }
     569                 : 
     570                 : /* End of pcre_study.c */

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.5