LTP GCOV extension - code coverage report
Current view: directory - regex - regexec.c
Test: PHP Code Coverage
Date: 2007-04-10 Instrumented lines: 10
Code covered: 0.0 % Executed lines: 0
Legend: not executed executed

       1                 : /*
       2                 :  * the outer shell of regexec()
       3                 :  *
       4                 :  * This file includes engine.c *twice*, after muchos fiddling with the
       5                 :  * macros that code uses.  This lets the same code operate on two different
       6                 :  * representations for state sets.
       7                 :  */
       8                 : #include <sys/types.h>
       9                 : #include <stdio.h>
      10                 : #include <stdlib.h>
      11                 : #include <string.h>
      12                 : #include <limits.h>
      13                 : #include <ctype.h>
      14                 : #include <regex.h>
      15                 : 
      16                 : #include "utils.h"
      17                 : #include "regex2.h"
      18                 : 
      19                 : #define PHP_REGEX_NOPE 0;               /* for use in asserts; shuts lint up */
      20                 : 
      21                 : /* macros for manipulating states, small version */
      22                 : #define states  unsigned
      23                 : #define states1 unsigned        /* for later use in regexec() decision */
      24                 : #define CLEAR(v)        ((v) = 0)
      25                 : #define SET0(v, n)      ((v) &= ~((unsigned)1 << (n)))
      26                 : #define SET1(v, n)      ((v) |= (unsigned)1 << (n))
      27                 : #define ISSET(v, n)     ((v) & ((unsigned)1 << (n)))
      28                 : #define ASSIGN(d, s)    ((d) = (s))
      29                 : #define EQ(a, b)        ((a) == (b))
      30                 : #define STATEVARS       int dummy       /* dummy version */
      31                 : #define STATESETUP(m, n)        /* nothing */
      32                 : #define STATETEARDOWN(m)        /* nothing */
      33                 : #define SETUP(v)        ((v) = 0)
      34                 : #define onestate        unsigned
      35                 : #define INIT(o, n)      ((o) = (unsigned)1 << (n))
      36                 : #define INC(o)  ((o) <<= 1)
      37                 : #define ISSTATEIN(v, o) ((v) & (o))
      38                 : /* some abbreviations; note that some of these know variable names! */
      39                 : /* do "if I'm here, I can also be there" etc without branches */
      40                 : #define FWD(dst, src, n)        ((dst) |= ((unsigned)(src)&(here)) << (n))
      41                 : #define BACK(dst, src, n)       ((dst) |= ((unsigned)(src)&(here)) >> (n))
      42                 : #define ISSETBACK(v, n) ((v) & ((unsigned)here >> (n)))
      43                 : /* function names */
      44                 : #define SNAMES                  /* engine.c looks after details */
      45                 : 
      46                 : #include "engine.c"
      47                 : 
      48                 : /* now undo things */
      49                 : #undef  states
      50                 : #undef  CLEAR
      51                 : #undef  SET0
      52                 : #undef  SET1
      53                 : #undef  ISSET
      54                 : #undef  ASSIGN
      55                 : #undef  EQ
      56                 : #undef  STATEVARS
      57                 : #undef  STATESETUP
      58                 : #undef  STATETEARDOWN
      59                 : #undef  SETUP
      60                 : #undef  onestate
      61                 : #undef  INIT
      62                 : #undef  INC
      63                 : #undef  ISSTATEIN
      64                 : #undef  FWD
      65                 : #undef  BACK
      66                 : #undef  ISSETBACK
      67                 : #undef  SNAMES
      68                 : 
      69                 : /* macros for manipulating states, large version */
      70                 : #define states  unsigned char *
      71                 : #define CLEAR(v)        memset(v, 0, m->g->nstates)
      72                 : #define SET0(v, n)      ((v)[n] = 0)
      73                 : #define SET1(v, n)      ((v)[n] = 1)
      74                 : #define ISSET(v, n)     ((v)[n])
      75                 : #define ASSIGN(d, s)    memcpy(d, s, m->g->nstates)
      76                 : #define EQ(a, b)        (memcmp(a, b, m->g->nstates) == 0)
      77                 : #define STATEVARS       int vn; unsigned char *space
      78                 : #define STATESETUP(m, nv)       { (m)->space = malloc((nv)*(m)->g->nstates); \
      79                 :                                 if ((m)->space == NULL) return(REG_ESPACE); \
      80                 :                                 (m)->vn = 0; }
      81                 : #define STATETEARDOWN(m)        { free((m)->space); }
      82                 : #define SETUP(v)        ((v) = &m->space[m->vn++ * m->g->nstates])
      83                 : #define onestate        int
      84                 : #define INIT(o, n)      ((o) = (n))
      85                 : #define INC(o)  ((o)++)
      86                 : #define ISSTATEIN(v, o) ((v)[o])
      87                 : /* some abbreviations; note that some of these know variable names! */
      88                 : /* do "if I'm here, I can also be there" etc without branches */
      89                 : #define FWD(dst, src, n)        ((dst)[here+(n)] |= (src)[here])
      90                 : #define BACK(dst, src, n)       ((dst)[here-(n)] |= (src)[here])
      91                 : #define ISSETBACK(v, n) ((v)[here - (n)])
      92                 : /* function names */
      93                 : #define LNAMES                  /* flag */
      94                 : 
      95                 : #include "engine.c"
      96                 : 
      97                 : /*
      98                 :  - regexec - interface for matching
      99                 :  = API_EXPORT(int) regexec(const regex_t *, const char *, size_t, \
     100                 :  =                                      regmatch_t [], int);
     101                 :  = #define      REG_NOTBOL      00001
     102                 :  = #define      REG_NOTEOL      00002
     103                 :  = #define      REG_STARTEND    00004
     104                 :  = #define      REG_TRACE       00400   // tracing of execution
     105                 :  = #define      REG_LARGE       01000   // force large representation
     106                 :  = #define      REG_BACKR       02000   // force use of backref code
     107                 :  *
     108                 :  * We put this here so we can exploit knowledge of the state representation
     109                 :  * when choosing which matcher to call.  Also, by this point the matchers
     110                 :  * have been prototyped.
     111                 :  */
     112                 : API_EXPORT(int)                         /* 0 success, REG_NOMATCH failure */
     113                 : regexec(preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags)
     114                 : const regex_t *preg;
     115                 : const char *string;
     116                 : size_t nmatch;
     117                 : regmatch_t pmatch[];
     118                 : int eflags;
     119               0 : {
     120               0 :         register struct re_guts *g = preg->re_g;
     121                 : #ifdef REDEBUG
     122                 : #       define  GOODFLAGS(f)    (f)
     123                 : #else
     124                 : #       define  GOODFLAGS(f)    ((f)&(REG_NOTBOL|REG_NOTEOL|REG_STARTEND))
     125                 : #endif
     126                 : 
     127               0 :         if (preg->re_magic != MAGIC1 || g->magic != MAGIC2)
     128               0 :                 return(REG_BADPAT);
     129                 :         assert(!(g->iflags&BAD));
     130               0 :         if (g->iflags&BAD)               /* backstop for no-debug case */
     131               0 :                 return(REG_BADPAT);
     132               0 :         eflags = GOODFLAGS(eflags);
     133                 : 
     134               0 :         if (g->nstates <= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(states1) && !(eflags&REG_LARGE))
     135               0 :                 return(smatcher(g, (unsigned char *)string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags));
     136                 :         else
     137               0 :                 return(lmatcher(g, (unsigned char *)string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags));
     138                 : }

Generated by: LTP GCOV extension version 1.5